St Jude's Church of England Primary School

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Service Families

What is Service Premium?

Service Pupil Premium (SPP) is extra funding for schools to support children and
young people with parents in the Armed Forces.
Pupils attract the SPP if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • One of their parents is serving in the regular armed forces (including pupils with a
    parent who is on full commitment as part of the full time reserve)
  • One of their parents died whilst serving in the armed forces and the pupil receives
    a pension under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme or the War Pensions
  • They have been registered as a ‘service child’ on the January school census at
    any point since 2016.


St Jude's Primary School Service Lead: Mrs N North

As an ex-military wife and mother of 3 children, Mrs North has experience and
knowledge that can be of benefit to you, so that you can work together to provide the
best possible care for your family.
In order to provide the best support for our Armed Forces families, it is important that
we are aware of any planned deployments, house moves, school changes, changes
in home circumstances so that we can provide the appropriate support for your

 Please click here to access a Deployment Form

At St Jude’s, we can offer Service Children support by:

  • Having regular “check-in” sessions with those children who need extra
    support during times of deployment and school transition.
  • Support your child with transition to a new school (school leavers’ teddy and
  • We will run a service club for service children during Spring 1.
  • We will hold a coffee afternoon for parents where information is shared about
    service provision.
  • Service children will meet termly in the Vanguard room to organise various
    events (Remembrance and Christmas service, Month of the Military and a
    summer event).
  • This year, we have also partnered with festival of friends – a service project
    which aims to raise the support offered to service children.
  • We aim to work closely with service agencies and signpost parents for
    additional support.

 We welcome any suggestions and are here for any concerns. Please email servicefamilies@st-


Deployment Support

Please click here for a list of resources and organisations offering support to help children from an Armed Forces background during times of deployment.

 Defence Children Services: Education Advisory Team (UK)

20221003 eatuk leaflet.pdf