The School Day


We like to welcome the children into school from 8.30am.  All children proceed to their classrooms and the school day starts at 8.45am.  At 9am all children take part in whole school assembly or an act of Collective Worship.

Mid morning, all children take a 15 minute break from their learning to have some downtime with friends.  Breaktimes are held on the playground in the winter months, the playground and field in the summer months and in classrooms when it is raining.

Children in Foundation Stage and Years 1 and 2 will be provided with fresh fruit.


Lunchtimes are staggered to ensure all pupils have adequate time to eat their lunch and play outside.  Lunch times for the different year groups are as follows

EYFS - 11.45am – 12.45pm

Year 1 & 2 - 11.45am - 12.45pm

Year 3-6- 12.00pm – 1.00pm

Currently school dinners cost £2.50 per day. If you would like your child to have a school dinner, payment can be made using our SCOPAY online payment facility, as well as by debit/credit card at the front desk.

School meals are cooked on site but are provided through Caterlink, a private company with which we have a service level agreement. The current menu can be found under the families tab and paper copies can be obtained from the Main Reception Desk.

Afternoon sessions start directly after lunch and school finishes at 3.15pm for KS1 and KS2 and 3.10pm for FS

Should you wish for your child to arrive earlier in the morning, we run a Breakfast Club from 7.45-8.30am. Children are also able to attend our Stay and Play after hours childcare facility throughout the week, from 3.15-5.45pm.. 

The typical school week amounts to 32.5 hours.